You hear love knocking on your door. First impulse is, of course, to go to the door and open it. But u stop. Every corner of your mind is filled with all these thoughts… “Should I?” “What if it’s not what I’ve expected?” . Then u remember what your mother used to say: ”Don’t open to strangers”; of course, u want to do what u are not supposed to, but in the same time u are afraid of the consequences. So u take a look through the sight. U can’t see anything and u feel disappointed. But should u? Is love something that u see? Is love a red heart made of paper that u buy on Valentine’s Day? Or a red rose petal that touches your loved one’s lips? No. No, because love is not something u see with your eyes, it’s not the petal, but the smooth and in the same time intense sensation that u have in the moment u see the person that u love being touched by a proof of your love. As your eyes don’t help, u put your hand on the door handle. It’s cold, hard and repeling. U want to take your hand of it but u also want to open the door… so why can’t it be soft and warm? Do u really have to get pass something so unpleasant to get to love? Actually, that is not the question. The question is: will u do that for love?... U tend to forget that your hand is warm and with that warmth u can make the cold things that get in your way to disappear. As your unsecurity won’t go away u try to listen, to see if love is calling from the otherside of the door. U don’t hear anything. So u try to imagine the voice of love, but it’s not there, because love is not smth that u hear. Love is when u want so bad to hear a whisper coming from your loved one’s mouth crawling into your ear. So if u can’t use these senses to feel love then…what’s left? Why should u open the door and let love in?... Your emotions go crazy because u don’t know what to expect, but u have to go with this flow of sensations! It won’t drown u.
So just open the door 'cause maybe this time, Heaven is knocking on yours.
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