joi, 9 octombrie 2008

Our lazy afternoon

As a lazy sun heats up the air outside

Wind is blowing away the golden lines

And my thoughts are slowly lingering

On the sweet music that u are singing

Golden petals falling from the sky

Touch u gently as u play your guitar

This naked afternoon is soaked in honey

And your notes fill up the air around me

This year is walking away

Making memories on his way

Leaving u and me

As he found us… together, baby

Vibrations make my imagination go wild

So I pull u close and read your hazel eyes

They are smiling with emotion

Summer dreaming, love, devotion

U hold your guitar so close to your chest

She becomes complete under your hands

But wait… that’s me your playing on

It feels so good just laying in your arms

luni, 6 octombrie 2008

Your lies

U think that I’m trapped in the past,

That I don’t have the strength to move on

But you’re wrong, wrong as I was

When I saw in u more than you’ve shown

U’re eyes are bright but their light is cold

Swallowed by lies, u used them to hide your fears

But I know more, a lot more than u told

I can’t believe u made me give u my tears

Faked smiles, faked laughs

I asked for more, u gave me less

U killed one of my dreams,

But my faith in love still lives

I realized the moments I treasured most

Were just illusions, lies meant to keep me yours

U showed me the image of the only soul I could love

The one u wanted to be, but the one u so are not!


Day and night, darkness or light

U walk on the streets of my heart

’Cause even in daylight stars still shine

And that’s what u do in my mind

A street lamp shines like a last hope
And there I lay in it’s shadow… waiting

Waiting for your love

Waiting for the truth

Waiting for the sun that sleeps in u

Can't u see the shadow in my eyes?
A shadow of love, a shadow of lies
It hides the flames, trying to keep my heart
From giving u more than u want

In the place where lights and shadows meet

Under my last hope I sit… waiting

Waiting for your hand

Waiting for that dance

Waiting for you to give my dream a chance

Between raindrops

When the wet night begins

Stars sparkle in the raindrops

That linger on your skin

Time stops…as they end their journey on my lips

Surrounded only by the sound of rain

Playing slowly on my runaway train

There's nothing more that I need

‘Cause u darling are my everything

Cover me with the darkness of your eyes

And take me up in the middle of the sky

Nothing can touch me here in your hug

All I can say babe is…u are my drug

As darkness comes between us

I can't see the face I love

The eyes for which I live

But I won’t waste my tears

‘Cause I know that u are here

When u whisper in my ear

The words u know I long to hear

Like rain of joy and tears,
this one also has a soul
thank u Dave for this beautiful slide!!!

miercuri, 1 octombrie 2008

Knock, knock...

You hear love knocking on your door. First impulse is, of course, to go to the door and open it. But u stop. Every corner of your mind is filled with all these thoughts… “Should I?” “What if it’s not what I’ve expected?” . Then u remember what your mother used to say: ”Don’t open to strangers”; of course, u want to do what u are not supposed to, but in the same time u are afraid of the consequences. So u take a look through the sight. U can’t see anything and u feel disappointed. But should u? Is love something that u see? Is love a red heart made of paper that u buy on Valentine’s Day? Or a red rose petal that touches your loved one’s lips? No. No, because love is not something u see with your eyes, it’s not the petal, but the smooth and in the same time intense sensation that u have in the moment u see the person that u love being touched by a proof of your love. As your eyes don’t help, u put your hand on the door handle. It’s cold, hard and repeling. U want to take your hand of it but u also want to open the door… so why can’t it be soft and warm? Do u really have to get pass something so unpleasant to get to love? Actually, that is not the question. The question is: will u do that for love?... U tend to forget that your hand is warm and with that warmth u can make the cold things that get in your way to disappear. As your unsecurity won’t go away u try to listen, to see if love is calling from the otherside of the door. U don’t hear anything. So u try to imagine the voice of love, but it’s not there, because love is not smth that u hear. Love is when u want so bad to hear a whisper coming from your loved one’s mouth crawling into your ear. So if u can’t use these senses to feel love then…what’s left? Why should u open the door and let love in?... Your emotions go crazy because u don’t know what to expect, but u have to go with this flow of sensations! It won’t drown u.

So just open the door 'cause maybe this time, Heaven is knocking on yours.

Snowing on my heart

A weak sunshine tells me morning is here
I leave my warm bed to rush outside
I’m glad I can feel u like the winter so near

You bring me joy like the first snow to a child

When the sun shines but not above me

You make the light shine in my direction

And when black thoughts come around me

You cover me with your white protection

I want to feel your smooth wet soft kisses

Like millions of snowflakes falling on my face

Your touch is what an empty heart misses

I want to have it for the rest of my winter days

Words of love are frozen on my lips
They find a place next to my heart in your hand
As you touch them with your finger tips

I pray to God this winter will never end , brought to life by Dave, a dear friend